
Ping Pong

Tonight is Ping Pong night. I am playing in my first table tennis tournament. I'm nervous. I just know I'm gonna blow it. Wish I had a nice paddle. Just wanna win one or two. Wanna play ping pong with celebrities.
I'm kinda hoping Gav and I meet somewhere near the finals. He's been whompin' my butt lately though. Lots of old men play ping pong. Hope i can beat them. Tonight is actually sort of a qualifying round; real tournament is tomorrow. Utah Table Tennis Open. Big time. Come watch and heckle our opponents. Ping Pong night.
That's Rita Hayworth playing. She was married to Orson Welles in the fifties or something. She was in Lady From Shanghai, a weird noir movie Welles made.
Ping Pong Night.

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