
Ahhhh, Dark Spots

Movie Night 7-25-07
If you're a semi-intelligent adult, you know how retarded Harry Potter is. This movie IF... is a pretty cool, confrontational, anti-harry potter. 1968. Set in an oppressive English boarding school, malcolm mcdowell has no respect for his pedophilic superiors. Slow moving, but with enough stylistic twists and antisocial behavior to keep your interest. Unless you've been ruined by flying football games and booger flavored candy. Dementors. So stupid, man.

First and foremost, Killer Buds is gonna be back in kick butt form after my mis-hit. Symphony No. 3 may actually be my favorite of the albums chosen so far (up there with Black Saint,) but few shared my interest. Clif has jumped in to fill a void, and chosen an album that sounds really interesting. Check it out. Seriously, if you want to take part in that, let me know. I can put you in the picks schedule, or if that's too much pressure, I can mail you a copy of the album of the week. That is so nice of me.

James Blackshaw is a British guitarist whose album The Cloud of Unknowing has been growing on me like crazy. Somewhat similar to some other guitarists I like, Fahey and Kottke, but a little more full sounding, with a definite bent toward the minimalists, like Steve Reich and Terry Riley. Even K liked this one. Try to find it. It's like a rainstorm in july. Oh, according to his myspace page he likes herzog and jodorowsky.


Movie Night - 7-12-07 - Open City

Sometimes I find myself wondering if I truly believe that Art is important. If I believe that it can change people or be valuable or whatever people seek in it. Open City felt, even Wednesday night at Brian and Gavin's house in Salt Lake in 2007, like a manifesto. I guess it's often seen that way now since it's considered one of the definitive neorealist films. But it's bigger than that. I know that it challenged other filmmakers to take the craft more seriously, but it's also a challenge, even still, to take other people more seriously. I love this movie. It's like it was created not by an individual, but by a community, a nation. This is important. And it deserves a much better DVD presentation.


WeWillDie's not dead. Hurrah!

Killerbuds is up and running, and if you're not taking part in that, you're a jerk. Fight has promised a movie list. Lots of people looking forward to it, so he won't let us down. Also, speaking of movies, you should be my friend on Netflix.

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