
Dark Spots

Os Mix 06
I made a little music mix thing to give to people that want it. It's a set of about 16 songs, i think, all released in 2006, and all songs that I really like. I tried to dig a little deeper, so it's not my favorite songs. I left off Bob Dylan and Joanna Newsom and Destroyer (its got one Swan Lake, though), just cuz most of my migos know that stuff too well. I'll put up the track list when I can find it.
Email me if you want it. Or come see me.

Prairie Home
K and I watched Altman's final movie last night. I really did not like it. I know Altman's improv style meant that his movies flopped sometimes, but Companion is a drag all the way. Doesn't matter. I love Altman. He must have made more really excellent movies than any other single director. Is that true? I count 10 that I consider very good at the least, and thats not including Popeye. Can you think of anyone else? There must be. Hitchcock? Kurosawa? Bergman? Spielberg? (sorta J/K about Spielberg)


Joy said...

Which singles from Bob and Joanna's 2006 releases would you put on your list?

I'd like to see the list.

I liked the actual broadcast of Prairie Home Companion in the movie, but there were serious plot holes--dangling plots, and the angel of death? Oy,vey.

senordustin said...

My favorite song on the bob dylan album is the first one. It's great, especially considering it has to overcome the lines about alicia keys.

I liked the music and a lot of the stage bits in Companion, too.

Sherpa- I don't understand your comment on an earlier post about "Mary's calling". You have me mixed up with another WeWillDie?

Joy said...

Oh, I thought you were the Dustin that posts on MormonMentality. My mistake.

I really like Thunder on the Mountain on Modern Times...but I like Spirit on the Water especially the following gem:

I'd take you to paradise
but it seems so unfair
I'd take you to paradise but I killed a man back there.

My faves though are probably Nettie Moore and Spirit on the Water.

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