
It's time to make lists. To most people my age, my friends at least, this is a hateful time of year. For sure, it is, but I always look forward to everyone's stupid lists. So WeWillDie's got some lists too. Why? It's fun. That's all. Even this year.
Albums today.

1. Joanna Newsom - Ys
She's cute.
2. Destroyer - Rubies
He's smart.
3. Bob Dylan - Modern Times
Not as good as the previous two (Love and Theft is one of my favorites). Still damn good.
Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
I like 'em, but they need to work on their live show.

5. TV on the Radio - Cookie Mountain
I get the feeling this will be near the top on lots of lists. It's pretty good.
6. Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid
First half is great.
7. Belle and Sebastien - Life Pursuit
One friend told me he liked "the old, gayer stuff". What? It just doesn't get much gayer than this, buddy.
8. Danielson - Ships
This was a good show. Way better than his previous albums.
9. Grizzly Bear - Yellow House
These guys have grown on me. I'm pretty excited to see 'em in a couple months.
10. Sufjan Stevens - Avalanche
More cargo.
Also: Keith Fullerton Whitman - Lisbon, Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet
I like fuzzy ambient when I'm reading or studying. These are the best of that kind I heard this year.

I'm probably missing something great.
Nah, that's it.


Clif said...

Here's mine (very similar):

1. TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
2. Destroyer - Rubies
3. Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
4. Bob Dylan - Modern Times
5. Joanna Newsome - Ys
6. Danielson - Ships
7. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Letting Go (I've got something of a soft spot)
8. The Knife - Silent Shout
9. Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass
10. Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit

senordustin said...

Yeah, I figured we'd be pretty close. I thought about adding bonnie, but i just couldn't bring myself to listen to that album enough. I'm not sure why.

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